Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chocolate Ice Cream...Yes, You Heard Me.

Primal people. Remember how I said smoothies could be like an ice cream fix for some? WRONG. I was way off! I have found the ultimate ice cream fix. It dawned on me today...I've heard of people using frozen bananas as ice cream. Genius. Absolutely genius.

I couldn't believe I hadn't tried making some banana ice cream, so this morning I froze up a couple of bananas and got to work after I had a lazy Sunday. My mom, sister, and I watched Pitch Perfect, and as soon as the movie was done, I ran to the blender and started mixing. Go watch Pitch Perfect if you haven't had the chance to...but first GO MAKE THIS REALLY SIMPLE ICE CREAM!

Seriously guys, it's great.

You're going to start with two medium bananas, the more ripe, the better. I used super ripe ones this morning, but I had realized there weren't any ripe ones AFTER I had chopped them up and froze them.
Chop those suckers up and stick them in the freezer. I let them stay in all morning/afternoon because I planned on making this as a treat after dinner. Feel free to leave them in an hour or so if you're impatient.

Next, take your frozen bananas and stick them in the blender with everyones favorite ingredient, COCOA! I used a half of a teaspoon, but feel free to add more or less to your liking. If you enjoy more flavors, you can add some natural vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, or any other natural/paleo-friendly flavoring you can think of!

You go Glen Coco! 
You blend Glen Coco!
Blend your heart out!
Blend until you get a nice, thick, creamy consistency, just like ice cream, Glen Coco!
(Yes, I'm talking to you, you're going, and you're blending. I really felt the need to make a Mean Girls reference)

Wait for it...wait for it...

Ta-dah! There it is. Chocolatey-ice-creamy-goodness.

This can serve one person if you really enjoy ice cream, or you can split it with someone you love.

I started eating this (and planned on eating the whole thing, because...well...ya know, I like my food), and then realized I should save some for Sammy when he comes over. He now has a surprise for when he walks in the door! Which should be any minute now...

Enjoy & Indulge
(without the guilt!!!)


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